Part of the team

Sometimes you may need to track individual production, other times you may have people working together.  Whatever your production style is, our flexible configuration options make it easy to use FieldClock in your existing workflow.


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Production Styles

Individual Production

Use individual production mode when each employee is solely responsible for their own production.

Shared Production

Attribute production to ad-hoc groups of people. This is a great option when you have many pickers moving around a field.

Team Production

Define specific teams of employees that will work together and be tallied as a unit.

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Solutions for all tasks

In addition to multiple styles of attribution, FieldClock also provides multiple ways to input quantities.

When you have a job that requires each individual unit to have it's own traceable code (e.g. apple or cherry harvest), FieldClock will work in "fixed quantity" mode. 

When you have a job that records many units but doesn't require traceability (e.g. pruning trees or rows), FieldClock will work in "variable quantity" mode with easy inputs for quantity.


Need clarification?

Does FieldClock support "team picking" or "party picking"?

Yes!  FieldClock offers multiple ways to work with group production.  You can use "Shared" production for ad-hoc groups that frequently change, or "Team" production when you have specific groups of people that are working together.

Are shared/team pieces still traceable?

Yes!  Production will be tracked by the "Ticket", but each individual employee will get their own piece record.  The ticket and the pieces will remain associated with the respective employees and searchable if the need arises.

Here's a common example:  let's say you have 3 employees picking into 1 bin of apples - FieldClock would record this as "1 bin" and each employee would receive a piece record for "1/3 bin".

What about "ghost" pieces?

Ghost pieces are a thing of the past with FieldClock.  Our convenient production modes and easy labor tracking make it simple to keep accurate count of how many pieces are being produced. 

Unlike traditional punch cards, each production record in FieldClock is associated with a specific time and location which makes it a simple matter to review production and see if extra pieces were "punched".  (This same benefit applies to employees as it becomes easy to see if a punch may have been missed.)


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