As easy as snapping a photo
Similar to our amazingly easy-to-use time tracking, recording piecework is as simple as scanning a QR code.

What can you track with a scan?
Individual Piecework
If you have employees flying solo, their pieces can easily be tracked for quick and efficient pay.
Group Piecework
Whether you want to split up pieces among ad hoc groups of employees, or have dedicated teams in the field, we have you covered.
Use Bluetooth-connected scales to pay by weight or just track it. Scales stream weight data to the app so you never have to manually record a weight.
Associate quality control reports with the specific pieces in the field for easy reference after-the-fact.
Easy piecework and piece rate pay
Piecework introduces lots of complexity - how do you properly calculate break pay, overtime, doubletime, or any other hourly rates affected by piece rate activity?
FieldClock makes these calculations easy for you with our powerful pay calculations that can be configured to meet the specific needs of your farm.
Need clarification?
Is it really that easy?
Yes! It's really that easy. There are advanced features available, but most of your employees will simply be pointing the app at QR codes.
What if I want to use my own hand tags?
You can use your own existing ticketing system as long as there is a scannable code to associate. All the same traceability functionality will be available.
Can I track pieces but still pay hourly?
Yes! The scanning interface makes it very easy to track piecework whether you are paying piece rate or hourly. Check out our pay options page for more information.
Can I use devices with a laser scanner?
FieldClock supports some Android devices that have laser scanners. This is not required, but may be convenient if you already have devices.
Can I use biometrics instead of QR codes?
We are not currently supporting biometric readers because we do not think this is the best experience in practice.
Many employees are wearing gloves or other gear that makes fingerprints impractical - and external readers cause additional complications in the harsh field environment.
Another consideration is the frequently changing legal requirements for biometric processing. Our goal is for the tech to be a seamless integration into your workflow, not a legal nuisance.
Based on our years of experience in labor tracking, we have determined that QR code scanning currently offers the best balance between benefits and drawbacks.